Final UI direction as a native iPad app

Anchor/Reader units ready for deployment. These are the units that track assets and people.

Assets are tagged and detected by beacons placed throughout the jobsite. Technologies like LoRa and GPS then convert the signal and send data to the cloud.
Various iPad iterations were designed. The app started out very bare bones but was slowly updated for a better brand UI experience.

Last design iteration. Cleaner visuals and iconography and updated UI for large gloves and hands. Also able to switch to dark mode in settings for lighting changes.

Heatmap View, R&D. Red areas show the most trafficked areas on the jobsite for a given period.
Demo of admin functions. Able to edit information about assets and tags as well as define what is shown or hidden.
While not elegant, here is a proof of concept showing movement of assets and people on the jobsite as well as switching floors to change the map layout.